❓ What’ve you been up to this weekend?

I hope you have a lovely Sunday! 🥰

It’s been a while since I wrote about foamcore crafting – I still consider it the best board gaming hobby extension! 😁 We recently got  ‘Let’s Waltz’ from @asmodee_germany – which is the expansion for Grand Austria Hotel (spoiler alert: it is awesome!). It includes 4 modules to the game, plus dedicated solo mode components, so if you go the ziploc-bag-way, you’ve got quite some chaos swirling around in your box. While I love expansions, I can’t say the same about expansion boxes – I am always happy if we can purge those (well, if everything fits in the base box).

So it was time for a quick crafting session. 💪 The main goals were the usual: removable trays for the resource cubes and room tiles. Possibly segregating the different modules. Everything flush with the lid so nothing shifts during vertical storage. 

I think it came out pretty good.

I also came to realize that though I primarily do this to decrease setup and teardown times and make games easier to get to the table, I just find it immensely satisfying when pieces are sitting in an orderly fashion in their exact place. Which is quite a hypocrisy considering my really low motivation for cleaning our home 😂 I guess board games simply deserve better. 😅