What's in the suit case?

What's in the suit case?

The Elder Sign might be a telltale sign. 😁 This suitcase is holding Eldritch Horror! And not just Eldritch Horror, but also all 8 of its expansions ‼️

We really love this game so one day we decided to just order everything for it. As there was no way in hell we were storing 5 big boxes and 4 small ones, we needed to come up with something. We found that every storage solution for sale is either too expensive or ugly (or both 😅), so we needed to DIY ourselves. A quick search for “vintage suitcase” and we already found a perfect candidate to store all of this magnificent game.

Then came the building of the foamcore trays. A lot of them as you can see. 😄 I tried to go for modularity so we can use the trays on the table. I also think this a must - last we played, even with all of this accelerated setup we spent like 30 minutes before we could start playing. If we had baggies it would be well over an hour I think. 🤭 One might argue it’s crazy getting every expansion, but it's also a really nice thing to have. 🙈

We also just had to 3D print some nice accessories to hold the monster and gate tokens. It adds a lot to the game! 🙃