What's hot right now?

What's hot right now?

There have been a lot of movements on the BGG Hotness list again, so why not take a closer look at what is on the very top this time? 🧐

🕍 Barcelona
I guess it’s no surprise that the newest upcoming euro release from Board & Dice is top on the hotness list. I’ve already skimmed through the online rulebook, and I am excited to try this as soon as possible. 💪 The release seems to be planned for GenCon in August.

🎖️ Mr. President
This looks like an absolute beast of a game. A solo only experience with a listed playtime of 360-600 minutes. 😅 I read some posts stating that setup alone took like 2 hours!
Normally I’m quite turned off by politics, but having recently played Hegemony and currently watching the Designated Survivor series I am a bit intrigued about this game. 😄

Cyclades Legendary Edition
This dudes on a map game from Matagot is getting a big update with Kickstarter. And not just a facelift but also meaningful adjustments and additions to gameplay like a modular map, team-play mode and enhanced 2p mode. A lot like here! We actually have the original Cyclades unplayed on our pile, so this could be the perfect opportunity to try it out.

🗡️ The Witcher: Old World
This game is currently being fulfilled after a highly successful Kickstarter. I am a fan of the Witcher universe, but we ended skipping this one as we were just backing too many other Kickstarters at the time - and I am starting to feel a bit of regret. 😂 It looks like a fun sandbox adventure, as you go around defeating monsters and dueling other witchers for fame.