Weekend recap

Weekend recap

We had friends over this weekend which meant: 4p gaming! Some games got to the table which we haven’t played in a while, which is always a delight. 😊

First on the menu was ⚙️ Mechs vs. Minions. This game is an incredibly deluxe package, and it always makes me sad that it is not available anymore. The inserts, the components, everything is top-notch, and the gameplay holds up too. It a co-operative action programming game. Players will draft cards each round adding it to their command line, which they then all execute in turn order, going from card slot 1 to slot 6, turning and moving their mech and attacking minions. The more cards you’ve programmed, the more chaotic it all becomes as you must do every turning and movement action. Damage is funny too as it might switch up your slots or cover them up with detrimental effects. 😄 The game is played over scenarios and they all bring some unique twists and unlocks.

Secondly we played 🌕 Terraforming Mars. I consider this to be our favorite game, and even though we haven’t played in quite a while that pretty much remains to be true. This competitive euro is just immensely satisfying to play, as you build up your tableau over generations and experience as Mars gets filled with cities, forests and oceans, and you see the oxygen levels and temperature rising. Deciding each turn what cards to keep and what cards to play is engaging from the very first turn, plus positioning on the shared map is another puzzle in itself. Brilliant game. 🥰

We needed something quick and co-op to play, so we got out 🔦 Sub Terra. It’s a tile-laying game that has players searching for an exit to find their way out of a cave system that they have fallen into. Reni dislikes this game, yet I can’t help but love it, because I love exploring the cave system that will always be randomly generated. However the game involves lots of dice roll skill checks which are 50/50, which is unfortunately what makes the game less enjoyable. 🙁 I wish they came up with something more clever.

We ended the day with a quick round of 🛡️Odin. This card shedding game is our new favorite small game, and is always a blast.