Weather Machine continued!
Let’s talk some more about Weather Machine!
💪 It is a beast of a game, as expected, so I don't think I'll even try to write much about the rules. It is a worker placement game - you only have 1 meeple to send, always to a different location from which there are only 3, plus the Supply where you try not to spend much time. 🧐 Each location has 2 possible actions, but some of them have specific requirements - that means you basically only have 4 things to do most of the time. It sounds very few, but the game still manages to be engaging thanks to player interaction.
You manage your Vouchers (resources) which you pay to do actions. They can feel scarce, but with careful planning it’s not that bad. Every action requires spending bots, chemicals, or cogs, but also rewards you with something else, allowing you to chain your actions together - but sometimes a miscalculation or a blocked space might stop your momentum. This can be frustrating as you have to take certain actions in a certain order. Luckily, there are a lot more options here to pivot than, for example, in Kanban. However, this is why some might feel "handcuffed" in this game, and I can totally relate.
I like how you gain tokens that you can use for bonus actions. Things you uncover or cover up on your player board will also reward you with stuff, possibly actions as well, so you can have some nice long turns. You get to pick your own goals too, so they fit your current strategy. There is not much variability, though - most things will be the same; the interaction between players will keep the game interesting.
💬 Ultimately I don’t think we will play Weather Machine too often. We had a great time with it in our 3 back-to-back plays, yet I have mixed feelings. I think with 2p we have seen “enough”, and are doing the same thing over and over again. It is not the point-salad game we usually enjoy. The rules feel somewhat convoluted and stuffed with exceptions and you have to be diligent not to forget extra details, especially when doing extra actions during a longer turn.
It is a good game for sure... But is it good enough to re-learn the fiddly rules every time?