Vacation in Québec, here we go!

Vacation in Québec, here we go!

I swear we are also doing sightseeing during our holiday, but we just visited another board game café. 😅 This time the La Revanche Pub in Quebec City! Before heading to Gen Con, I'll tell you a bit about the games we played. 🙃

We felt like trying ⚗️Quacks Duel again after BerlinCon, but it only solidified that we don't need this game. We had totally one-sided luck with the draws and it wasn't fun at all. It's just too much luck and too little agency for us. 

🟤 Pylos is an abstract game in the same ‘series’ as Qawale; it's quite fun! You are placing spheres in a pyramid shape, trying to make tic-tac-toe-esque moves to place the very last piece on top.

🦊 Great Plains is a duel game in which you tactically place down your meeples to control meadows. Animal tiles give you special powers to give you an edge. A nice and cool looking game, but not something we need to own.

🕵‍♂️ Mr. Jack is a game of cat-and-mouse. Both players can control the 8 characters on the board, but only one knows who the culprit is - and his job is to escape with that character without letting the detective player know exactly who that is. It's a great concept but the implementation didn't work well in practice. 

🪨 Schotten Totten is a card game in which you want to win majorities over border stones. To do that you are assembling sets with numbers and colors. Our first game was a let down, but playing with 2 additional variants really transformed the game into something fun!

🌿 Botanik is a tile placement game. The creepy art hides a unique drafting system, which makes this a clever 2p game. We liked this one!

👑 Courtisans is a hot new card game. Even though it goes from 2 to 5 players, 2p works amazingly. The main idea is playing 3 cards each turn to different places and thus determining which noble families will be worth positive and negative points, while trying to favorably assemble your tableau. Great game!

We ended the night with 🐊 Sobek: Duel, a 2p drafting and set-collection game. It has a clever mechanic, as the tile taken determines the row/column or diagonal where the next tile has to be taken from, so it can get quite tactical. Fun little game.