Unlimited TCG

We were invited to a Star Wars: Unlimited event at SPIEL23 , which we gladly attended - hereby thanks to @asmodee_germany 🙏 - and we have now seen some of the game and were able to play a few rounds.
As you might know, Unlimited is a new TCG (like e.g. Magic: The Gathering) that is releasing in March 2024, played in the Star Wars universe. It has some TCG staples that will be familiar to many, like a number depicting the cost of cards, attack and health values, etc. but there are some unique twists that make Unlimited stand out! 👍
First and foremost, the biggest draw will be the theme itself - this game is aimed at Star Wars fans after all.
However I’d like to highlight the (in my opinion 🧐) best feature of the game: alternating activation!
To me one of the biggest issues with TCGs is how long turns can get. You might have a bunch of mana to spend, cards to activate, or combos to do, and though it feels awesome when you do it, it’s bad if you are waiting for your turn. 😬
In Star Wars Unlimited you just do one action, then the opponent does one - you repeat this until both of you pass, then a new round begins. This makes the game feel more like a board game and less like a typical TCG - which is awesome! It just flows well. 🙂
There are some other cool ideas sprinkled in, like having to use cards as resources, which means playing them face down to pay for other cards, which offers a constant dilemma of what to play and what to lose.
There are also two battlegrounds: ground and space, and unit cards can only be played to one of these.
Players also have a Leader and a Base card that is not part of the deck. This opens up the design space nicely. Leaders have special abilities but can also enter the battlefield if certain conditions are met. The goal of the game is to destroy the Base of the opponent. 💥
There are also card Aspects. This is similar to card colors in other games, which limits your deck-building. Your Leader and Base show Aspect symbols - card with these symbols can be played simply, however cards with other types will cost extra.
The game is very enjoyable, and we are curious how it will do upon release.