UKGE - Sunday recap

UKGE - Sunday recap

Sunday at UKGE 2024 was awesome. Even if the day ended in lethargy and disappointment - but that is the fault of the Birmingham Airport. ✈️ In summary, to not dwell on the past, we spent almost 3 hours in queue, then our plane left, so now we are stranded in Birmingham. 😞
But let's get back to a more happy topic: board games!

Forbidden Jungle 🌴 was a game I wanted to try for some time. Forbidden Island and Desert were among our first games and close to our heart, which adds to the excitement. We also bought it afterwards so we'll write about it at some point.

Even though we couldn't play them, we got some thorough explanations of some anticipated big releases: 🧐

🪖World Order comes from the creators of Hegemony - and you can immediately notice similarities: namely the graphics and the theme rooted in reality. Gameplay wise it will be different though, with more possibilities to choose the direction you go in, and increased replayability through deck-building.

🎻 Luthier looks simply amazing thanks to Vincent Dutrait’s artwork, but the gameplay sounds convincing too: worker placement with hidden values, contract fulfilment, engine building and area majority interconnected in interesting ways, and in a thematic package!

🛰 SETI is a game about searching for extraterrestrial life. Some amount of fiction but lots of science in the theme. At the centerpoint there is a rotating solar system, so timing of actions is critical. Engine building, majority contests and lots of cards should make every game interesting.

We finally managed to sit at the huge Qawale game. 😅 We kept seeing it at conventions, but always occupied. Combining tic-tac-toe and mancala is surprisingly fun!

Bandida was the last addition to our haul after playing its smaller brother Bandido - a simple card laying game, where you are trying to close off every path to win.

We did some final rounds to make sure we saw everything then had to leave for the airport - which didn't go as planned as I mentioned at the beginning. 😬