The weirdest manor

Weirdwood Manor got on our radar when we were researching games before Gen Con'22 and thanks to Greyridge Games we were now able to play the prototype! 🤩
To me the main selling point of the game is its circular board that is randomly setup with 30 rooms, which are divided by rotatable corridors. It just looks spectacular. With this I also want to mention how good the components and artwork are, even in this prototype. I am also a fan of the font style used for many of the texts! 🥰
⚙️ You interact with the game through hand-management. Everyone picks one of 6 characters, each with their asymmetric abilities and decks of cards. During your turn you have to play a card and do its actions. 🧐 This is where the unique twist of Weirdwood Manor comes into play! The cards and the rotating corridors are linked through a time mechanic. You play cards into slots above your board that correspond to different times of day. Wherever you play the card, you have to rotate the inner corridor to that daytime. Whenever you go from night to dawn, you have to rotate the outer ring to the next day. As you only have 12 days to achieve your objective, you need to play cleverly - and of course, as the corridors rotate, so will certain rooms become accessible or inaccessible. 🤯
You will face off against one of 3 Fae Monsters. These are the baddies that you have to stop, all of them with their own unique rules and objectives. Of course there will be a large amount of clockwork scarabs too that will keep spawning and running amok in the rooms of the manor. So you will most certainly have your hands full! ⚔️
Every room provides some kind of effect upon entering. You will be gathering resources to use to activate your abilities, to craft dice that you use in combat or recruit companions that have ongoing effects and an additional slot for action cards.
🗯️ There are many nuances to the game, and a lot of clever ideas. Seeing where doors are open or closed needs some getting used to, and it’s sometimes hard to start a fight if you lack the card for it. Still, much of Weirdwood Manor shows real promise.
It comes to Kickstarter on April 18, if you’d like to check it out 😉

A prototype of this game was kindly shared by the publisher for us to try out. Just a heads-up: all the components are prototypes, so things might look or play a bit differently in the final version. For more details, check out our content policy.