The most beautiful beast

The most beautiful beast

Beast 🐾 is a hidden movement game of cat and mouse in a gorgeous looking dark fantasy setting. The aesthetics of this game are really top-notch - the board, the screen printed meeples, the character and beast illustrations, everything! 🤩 You can even get beautiful acrylic standees for more bling!
Now, let's see the gameplay.😉 A team of 2-3 Hunters will be tracking the Beast and trying to hunt it down. At setup you choose a scenario to play, which determines the objectives of the Beast and the Hunters. Unfortunately there are only 2 of these scenarios for each player count, but you can download some additional ones.

If you play with 4 players, there are 3 hunters and the bigger full-sized map, with 2-3 players you will use the smaller map side of the board. (And in 2p, someone will have to control 2 hunters). The hunters will move around the map with their standees, but the Beast will be often invisible, only showing its location if the hunters find it or if it attacks animals or settlers on the map. However if a hunter moves to a location the Beast has been before, then they find tracks! 🕵🏻

Cards are the beating heart of the game: everything you can do, you do by playing cards. This means moving, attacking, searching, healing, etc. Although both Beast and hunters have their own unique cards, there is also a drafting element in the game with common ability cards. This adds a fun twist to the game, as you will get some general ideas of what the others took, or you can take some cards that you don’t want others to get. Then you can obtain additional items and talent cards with powerful one-use effects!

But what do you actually do on your turn? 🧐 Well you either play 2 cards (one with a red and one with a blue icon), or discard a card to move once, or pass. The beast starts each round, then the hunters are up, and this continues until everyone runs out of cards. After that you might get some rewards in the Night phase, depending on the scenario, which defines how many days you play, and who wins if time runs out.

There is of course more depth to the game. Stay tuned for more details! 😊

A copy of the game was kindly provided by the publisher. Read our content policy.