Sun and shadow

Sun and shadow

In 🌿 Evergreen everyone has their own little planet 🌏 with different biomes that they want to make as lush and green as possible until the end of the last season. The game is from Hjalmar Hach, the designer of Photosynthesis, so you might see some similarities in the games’ DNA.
(Note: our game is missing the bush tokens, so we are using Stegosaurus meeples from Tiny Epic Dinosaurs! 😅)

Each turn players choose a card from the pool. The card will tell you which biome of your planet you can act in, and it also shows a bonus power icon. 🧐Picking a power will also make it stronger for you - so next time it will be even better. Then you get to do one action in the chosen biome. There are multiple possible actions, all of them revolve around either planting new sprouts or growing existing plants into bigger ones, in different combinations.

Powers could also give you bushes to plant, which are used to connect trees together; or give lakes which help grow adjacent plants.

The game lasts for four seasons, each season getting shorter than the previous. At the end of a season you check how much sunlight ☀️ your trees can absorb from the sun and also how big your largest forest 🌳 is, and get points accordingly. Trees can cast shadow on each other so it can be wise to plant them apart, however that means your forests won’t be as big as you might want them to. The sun will move around your player board each season.

☝️ What card wasn’t chosen by anyone is also important - cards have fertility icons on them, and unpicked cards are collected in the fertility zone. At the end of the game you check the fertility zone - big trees in those biomes get you additional points accordingly.

The sunshine-mechanic is quite similar to Photosynthesis, but I like that you all have separate player boards here, so there is no direct competition with each other. 😊 This is a really fun and short abstract game, with interesting card drafting decisions, and with a beautiful nature theme on top. The card illustrations and planet boards look amazing and the little wooden sprouts, trees and lakes look lovely.🥰