Spirit island DIY insert

It’s Sunday and we had some creative sessions again during the last weeks - we fired up our 3D printers (Reni is trying to get into dice making…), but more on that later 🙂- so it’s time to reanimate our Sunday Showcase series after a long hiatus!
We also got 🌬️Spirit Island back to the table and it felt like sitting down to a festive holiday dinner. 🥰 It is without a doubt one of the best co-op games ever made and it is limitlessly replayable. However I wasn’t a big fan of the 18 (or probably a lot more) baggies needed to store components, so I decided it was time to make an insert for the game! So instead of putting the game away I started measuring and designing. 😁📐
Actually, board game inserts are the primary reason we got ourselves an FDM printer, but I have been a bit lazy - but now I’ve got a nice workflow going, and the printer has been working almost non-stop! 💪 Finally, there are nifty trays for everything: easy setup, easy teardown, and vertical storage on the shelf. 😉
I am pretty sure there will be a few more expansions down the road for Spirit Island which might make this somewhat obsolete, but I am happy for now. It’s time to fire up the printer again and get it working on the next insert for the next game! Spirit Island isn’t the only one in dire need of better setup. 🙃