Spiel 2024 recap - Day 1

Spiel 2024 recap - Day 1

Ho ho ho! Welcome to board gamer Christmas! 🎅 Spiel has finally opened its gates again, and what can I say? It’s an amazing time as expected. 🥳 I’ve been scouring preview lists and reading about upcoming games for the last several months now - and making plans. 

Yet when you set foot in the halls for the first time it’s quite overwhelming and it is hard to know what to do first, where to go first. We did our best though, and started getting the games we have been looking forward to. I love the feeling as your bags fill up and you cross out games from your shopping list. 🥰

The halls were filled to the brim with people, which is expected as tickets were sold out. Interestingly strolling around in Halls 1 and 2 felt like Sunday afternoon, but Hall 3 is like a concert floor, people shoulder to shoulder. 😅

We were quite busy with some meetings and talking to awesome people in the hobby - it's so cool running into people you know at conventions! 🙃 In the end we didn't actually get to play much. We did play some games though!

🚏Bus & Stop by Saashi and Saashi is a simple card drafting game, with players acting as bus drivers, trying to get the right people to the right stop. It was a bit simple but had a nice flow - and that typical Saashi & Saashi vibe.

We played a bit of 🌀Altered at the Asmodee press event with 2 decks we didn't try before, so they had some new mechanics. We are still mesmerized by the art.

A definite recommendation goes out to 🍂Fall from Little Rocket Games which works a bit like Cascadia but is for 2-players and you build a shared ecosystem, working on secret scoring cards. 

🐼 Panda Spin from Matagot is another winner, a card shedding climbing game with a fun twist, as cards of a lost trick get spinned to their other side, so you get stronger cards back. Looks incredible too! I believe it's sold out unfortunately, but you should demo it for sure.

If you cannot be here in person, you should take a look in our Instagram stories for some general impressions.

If you are here then have fun on Day 2!