Some Christmas mystery

Some Christmas mystery

Just a short murder case to solve at Christmas... πŸŽ„πŸ˜… Besides board games we also love escape rooms and games with puzzles, like detective games. We have tried many different detective game systems out there, like the Sherlock series or the Detective: Modern Crime. Those games usually try to tack on some board game mechanics on a deck of cards containing the story and try to artifically reduce the time/possibilities for you to get all the info you need to solve the case. Therefore you are in a hurry and can only check a subset of the information before you are forced to finish and guess who did what.
Those games are all fine but somehow they never manage to give me the feeling like I am a detective, as most of the time it feels like luck: if I choose wich cards to read luckily, I can get the crucial information but often cards turn out to be red herrings costing time. While I understand the analogies to real life, it just does not work for me in board games 🀐

Today we played the first case from Hidden Case, and we loved it! 🀩 It gives you every clues you need in form of letters, articles, flyers, etc plus some digital resources - just like you would collect clues in the reality. Then you have to puzzle the events and timeline together and find out what happened and who was the perpetrator. That's it, quite simple, everything fits into a dinA4 envelope.
To be honest the murder case in the first envelope was nothing unique in terms of ideas, but other than that it was a great experience, and there were a few nice additions which I don't want to spoil here 😁😁