So we sinned again...

So we sinned again...

❄️ Endless Winter is our most recent sin. We promised ourselves after SPIEL that we wouldn’t really buy anything else this year. (OK, I knew that was a long shot, but still. 😅) Well, when I saw our favorite store received some copies of Endless Winter, my legs got weak and I couldn’t resist. I just had to order it before it was sold out... Together with its expansions. 🙈

So why am I so excited about this game? There are a lot of cool mechanics integrated into it. Let’s break it down! 🧐

🔨 Worker placement: you activate action columns with your meeples; your chief mini also has a unique bonus.

🃏 Deck-building and card play: during the game you get new culture and tribe cards that you can use. You can use tribe cards for their ‘labor’ value to power worker placement actions or use them for their eclipse effects in the eclipse phase.

📊 Area Majority: with some actions you place down camps and villages on a randomly generated map. Whoever has the most influence on each hex gets its bonus in the eclipse phase.

🐾 Set Collection: animals you hunt in the game each have a certain type. Getting multiples of the same type will be beneficial to you.

♟️ Tile Placement: you can place megaliths on a board, either getting the bonuses you cover up, or getting points if you build up in a pyramid shape.

💰 Unlocked Bonuses: as you place down camps, villages and megaliths from your player board you reveal icons that give you ongoing benefits.

I love it when games use multiple mechanics and Endless Winter combines a ton of them. I did a quick test run against the solo automa, but I am curious about the multiplayer aspect, and also what the different expansions offer. 

We will be back with more details and thoughts for sure! 😁