Save the world in real-time

Save the world in real-time

We just played Pandemic: Rapid Response, a real-time game in the Pandemic series. Instead of curing diseases, here you are playing as the crew of an airplane, producing goods and delivering them to cities in need. ✈️ 💉

All throughout the game a sand-timer is running. ⏳
If it runs out you have to discard a time token and draw a new city card. You win by successfully delivering to all of the cities (number depending on the difficulty).

During your turn you roll all your dice and can re-roll up to twice. You can move the airplane or move through the rooms, fill up the rooms with dice and activate them to produce goods. You have to be vary of the waste you produce and keep an eye out for what you actually need, as cargo space is limited.

The good thing is that if your rolls are bad, you can just quickly skip your turn and let the next player proceed. 🎲
You can spice up things even more with crisis cards that handicap you along the way.

Just like Flatline and Fuse this is also an excellent real-time game from designer Kane Klenko. We really like his games and definitely recommend checking his games out.