Quick, clever, and viking-themed - what else do we need?

Quick, clever, and viking-themed - what else do we need?

We love clever card games - a small box, small footprint and quick gameplay. 😊 Knarr gives you exactly this! πŸ‘ You play as Vikings, recruiting crew and traveling to explore distant lands and trade, raising your reputation. It’s a fairly simple card drafting game with the goal of reaching 40 victory points before your opponents, but some clever twists infuse the game with uniqueness.

In the game you will play Viking cards from your hand to your tableau, gaining their bonuses, and later discarding sets of them in exchange for Destination cards. This card play comes with some interesting decisions however! 🧐
πŸƒ Vikings come in 1 of 5 colors, and your tableau has a column for each color. If you play a card with a color that you already have, you overlap the same color cards and activate all of them.
πŸƒ After playing a card you also draw back up to 3 cards again - which card you take will be also dictated by the color of the card you just played.

Destination cards 🏞️ add some more nuance. These cards show a cost of Viking cards to pay (e.g. 4 of the same color) then you get its immediate reward and can put it above your player board. On the top of your player board are 3 columns that line up with Destination cards. These columns define what you get if you choose to trade, which is a free action you can take. By discarding 1, 2 or 3 Bracelet πŸ“Ώ tokens, you get the bonuses from 1, 2 or 3 of these columns.

A turn is really simple: πŸ‘‰you either play a Viking card or go Explore. But thanks to all the little rules you might want to play specific cards to get specific things. There are 5 types of bonuses in the game, and all of these tightly relate to scoring points in one way or another.

Finally there are Artifact πŸ“― cards. If you wish you can randomly choose one of these to add to a game. Artifacts show some kind of rule or condition that switches up the gameplay. For example last time we played with the Weathervane 🏳️, which meant that whenever we had all 5 colors of Viking cards out, we could do a free Explore action. ☝️ This deeply changed the strategy of playing and paying Viking cards. πŸ™‚

A copy of the game was kindly provided by the publisher. Read our content policy.