Play as one of the Old Gods

Play as one of the Old Gods

⚡Power Core is an upcoming game of Board&Dice. They usually make worker placement euros, so this is quite an unusual one - a 2-player battler card game where you play as Old Gods. 😮 An also unusual thing is that they are taking it to Kickstarter.

✋ Before you start playing, you choose 2 Old Gods. Basically an alliance against the others. You get the unique abilities of the Gods themselves, their powerful Avatars to summon and their two decks to shuffle together.

👆 The unique element in the game are the power cores - these are square shaped tokens with icons on each side. You place power cores on played cards; the Gods and Avatars have their own special power cores. Each turn you will rotate every one of your cores, activating the icons on the bottom.

The icons are quite simple: deal damage, get shield against incoming damage, heal yourself or get crystals to pay for cards and abilities. 👍 The X-side will activate X-abilities of monsters.

A turn is also pretty straightforward: you have two actions. ✌️ An action is either rotating a power core again, or playing a card. Then you draw back to full hand.

As you can see the ruleset is not complex at all - complexity will come from the cards and their abilities. 🕵️ We haven't seen that much of the game, just did one full demo fight, but I think this game will live or die by how interesting the cards are and how good it feels to build combos.

My biggest complaint is how the Power Core logo and card back clashes with the grimdark lovecraftian art of the cards. 😧

The box should have at least 12 Old Ones, so by mixing two you will have abundant variability. 🙀 I am interested how this game will turn out by its release.