My favorite DIY projects

My favorite DIY projects

Let’s talk about extensions to the board gaming hobby! We really fell in love with board gaming and spend most of our free time with it - we’re probably not alone in this! 😅 Even when we are not playing, we like to do something related to board games. It could be reading or writing about games, or researching what to buy or what to remove from the ‘want-list’. Perhaps scouring the internet for good deals to strengthen our shelf of shame. 😂

Then there are some more advanced extensions like making custom components either from scratch or 3D-printing, painting miniatures and your freshly 3D-printed pieces, etc.

We’d like to show you our board gaming related hobbies and creations, so we decided to start the series of Sunday Showcase 😀

Let’s start with my (Kristof’s) favorite: building inserts out of foamcore! 😁

To me the most tedious thing in board gaming is having to deal with plastic baggies. 🤢 It can take up to 20 minutes to bag up everything, then sometimes you might struggle fitting all those bags into the box. It’s amazing what you can achieve with some foamcore, a knife and some glue. It does take time and practice before you can get going, but now I can churn out inserts at a pretty steady pace.

The most time-consuming, yet (for me) most fun part is figuring out what pieces should go where. With some games this presents quite a puzzly challenge, if it has irregularly shaped boards or components. 🧐

The best feeling is when you complete a tray and can transfer some parts over from the bags to the tray. As you get more and more done, the heap of empty baggies gets bigger and bigger - then you are ready, and have an (ideally) awesome insert you can be proud of! And let’s not forget why we do this! A well designed modular insert can speed up setup and teardown of games immensely. There are many games that have so much stuff, that having an insert is basically a must-have. I do tend to go overboard with modularity and make more small trays than necessary. 😅

Here you can see some pictures of my process for Revive. 😊