More mind games for you

The Old King’s Crown launched on Kickstarter today!
It’s a game of secret card play and mind games, as you try to win clashes to activate the power of locations to get an upper hand on your rivals, ultimately trying to gather enough Influence to win and become the next King. 👑
Besides the breathtaking graphic design of this game, there is so much to like!🤩 We wrote about this game before, but there is much more to say. Not even sure where to start. 🤔
The Old King’s Crown has quite a steep learning curve: cards have traits and keywords, players have different activatable abilities, a special skill you can only use if you win at a certain location and you can get Kingdom cards that have a diverse array of effects. The asymmetry in player decks adds to this complexity. But it’s absolutely worth learning all of these, because it adds a great and delicious depth to the game! 😊
Location effects are super cool too! Not only do you have to win them but also balance them while racing for Influence.
If your deck ever runs out and you have to reshuffle, your hand size is decreased. ☝️ This means you really want to delay this from happening! And this is where two of the locations come in, which allow you to either place cards back into your deck, or reclaim cards from your discard pile.
Two other locations allow you to use your cards with the Quest keyword to unlock powerful cards for your deck or to place a card with the Authority keyword in the Court to generate Influence each round. These are interesting because they can either let you get rid of weak cards, or make you lose strong cards - though as mentioned earlier, a smaller deck can be disadvantageous.
This is all just to reiterate how nuanced and complex the gameplay is, with so many fun interactions and interconnected systems! 🥰
The game can be played from 1 to 4 players. 4 players will bring a lot of huge clashes and chaos, but playing with 2 is absolutely enjoyable too. With 2 you have much tighter fights, and better chances of guessing the opponent’s next step. It’s a really cool experience, and we can’t wait to see the final product with all of the completed artwork!😍
❓Are you backing it?

A prototype of this game was kindly shared by the publisher for us to try out. Just a heads-up: all the components are prototypes, so things might look or play a bit differently in the final version. For more details, check out our content policy.