More about Micro Bots

More about Micro Bots

Power Up! It’s dueling time! Remember my Micro Bots: Duel post from a few days ago? No? Check out our last post to revisit the basic gameplay!

In a nutshell, it’s an epic fighting card game with mechs, squeezed into a tiny mint box… or rather two, if you decide to grab the expansion called ⚡Power Up⚡ too! 😜

We tried said expansion, which takes things to eleven! 🤩 Not only does it give “more of the same” (like new mechs and new upgrade cards) to enhance replayability, but there are also quite a few new mechanics!

👆First and foremost: there are upgraded power tokens, which I really recommend. Before these were just tokens numbered from 0-5 to secretly add to your power during attacks. They can now have additional effects, broadening your tactical horizons.

There is also more meat to the range track as you advance and retreat. Picking up a cube from there allows you to raise your power level which will unlock one-time bonuses specific to your mech. (This is also when you get the aforementioned upgraded Power Tokens.)

Some of the new mechs and cards that are added have new keywords on them, so you have more ways to outplay and defeat your opponent. 😄

And now let's talk about the components: everything is kept fairly simple and small, which is absolutely necessary for this size. One thing is really cool though, and you don’t see it often: the cards are made from PVC, so they’ll survive even the wildest battles and rage quits - no sleeves required! 😂 (Not that it would be an option with this box size).

So to summarize, here is our verdict: Micro Bots: Duel is a cool little 1v1 card game, that is no short of tension and surprises. You’ll need a few rounds to get to know the cards and strategic possibilities, but then you have yourself a fun game you can bring with you anywhere.

Disclaimer: This is a prototype we got for review purposes from @prometheus.gamelabs , which means anything could change in the final version! 🙃

Disclaimer 2: No cards were harmed in the making of the photos 😁

A prototype of this game was kindly shared by the publisher for us to try out. Just a heads-up: all the components are prototypes, so things might look or play a bit differently in the final version. For more details, check out our content policy.