Micro in size, macro in tactics

🌳Micro Midgard is an upcoming game by Prometheus Gamelabs , the creator of Micro Dojo and Micro Bots: Duel. I think I sense a theme here. 🧐😅 Similar to the previous games, this is another 2 player duel game (with a solo mode), with a tiny form factor!
At a distance, it looks quite similar to Micro Dojo, but in a nordic mythology setting: players will alternate, moving 1 of 4 meeples, activating the location, gathering resources and racing for 9 victory points. Recently moved meeples are blocked by players’ tokens, so the choices are always limited.☝️ From this point on there are a bunch of changes though!
You play on a rondel made up of 9 realms, with Midgard in the middle. The meeples will be able to move to an empty adjacent realm. These give you resources (gold or mead) and/or one of the 3 possible action types: sun ☀️, moon 🌙 or craft 🔨, which allows you to move up on a specific blessing track or claim the current bonus where you are at and reset your position. 🧐
Bonuses usually earn you resources or victory points in some way. Two of the tracks also let you gather Relics, which will lend you additional ways to use your resources and your actions.
As you play, a Sun and a Moon wolf 🐺 token will progress around the board and trigger Ragnarok phases. Whichever wolf triggers this, the corresponding objective is scored. This is the very core of the game - you have to pay attention from the first turn, and time everything just right so you win majorities of the conditions. Even though you play with 5 sun and 5 moon objectives, only 5 of these will be scored and your actions influence this, which is a big part of the strategy. 🌋 Ragnarok phases will keep destroying realms too, making subsequent Ragnaroks easier to trigger.
💬 Micro Midgard is an awesome duel game in a tiny format, that keeps you on your toes from the very first round! 🤩 The path towards victory can be hard to see, so you really have to make short and long term plans depending on the upcoming scoring conditions. Due to the shared rondel and meeples your turns will impact the choices and options of your opponent, making this a highly tactical duel.👍

A prototype of this game was kindly shared by the publisher for us to try out. Just a heads-up: all the components are prototypes, so things might look or play a bit differently in the final version. For more details, check out our content policy.