Love Letter, in Marvel edition

Love Letter, in Marvel edition

Infinity Gauntlet 🧤 is a Marvel spin-off game of Love Letter 💌. The theme is quite different: you are not trying to get your love letter to the princess, instead Heroes of the Marvel Universe battle against Thanos. 🤯

The biggest change in this one is the one-vs-many mechanic. One player takes the role of Thanos and all others play cooperatively 🤝 against him. The Heroes and Thanos have their own different decks as well. Also you can no longer get knocked out of the round until it ends completely – instead whenever your card is defeated your team loses a health point. That gives the victory condition of the game too: get the health of the other team to zero and you have won. However Thanos has another win condition – if he plays or has all six of the infinity stones he can snap with his fingers and win the game immediately.

Players of Love Letter will know most of the cards, though of course there are some tweaks and changes here and there.

It’s definitely a nice addition to your collection if you want to mix up your Love Letter plays. 💪 We only had the chance to play it at 2p so far but are looking forward to playing it with friends. I think this version may shine more at a higher player count (compared to the base and the Star Wars versions, which we fully enjoyed at 2p).
I am not sure how I feel about the Infinity Gauntlet and Jabba’s Palace not having a box though. It seems like a strange decision to me. 😕