Lightweight city building for the whole family

Lightweight city building for the whole family

❓️Have you heard of Sunrise Lane? We usually enjoy playing mid to heavy weight euros the most, but every now and then you just want something light and breezy - or you have some friends or family coming over and want something simple to introduce. In times like this Sunrise Lane 🏙️ from @horribleguild might be the ideal game to choose! 👍

It’s a smaller box game, but with a superb table presence, as you construct the residential district of a city with cool-looking plastic houses 🏠 as you play. 🤩 Playtime is fast and the rules are simple - if you are familiar with Ticket to Ride this might feel a bit familiar!

The game board is basically a square grid of building plots, some worth more points than others. Plots have one of five colors that correspond to the colors of cards. 🧐
On your turn you either draw 2 cards or play cards to build buildings and then draw 1 card. To build, you need to discard cards that match the color of a plot that you can reach (i.e. orthogonally adjacent to already placed buildings); for each card you discard you place one of your plastic houses there and score points accordingly. Ideally you want to build taller houses on plots that are worth more points to score high. ☝️You can actually continue building on your turn if you have other cards, however you then have to continue building next to your previous house.

You just continue playing like this in turn order until someone runs out of houses. To spice up the end game scoring 🏆, there is an additional majority scoring for sectors of the game board. These score for having the tallest house, or for having the most plots owned, or having the biggest group of contiguous houses.

💬 I like that you can chain-build multiple houses in a turn, so plots worth 4-5 points per house don’t just go to whoever got lucky. There is also a nifty mechanic, as you can discard any card to build a park, earning no points, just so you can continue your building-chain. Although card draw is quite random, as there is no open display of cards, there are always several locations you could place buildings on, making the game highly dynamic and tactical. ✌️

A copy of the game was kindly provided by the publisher. Read our content policy.