In the footprints of our ancestors
In 👣Footprints you lead a stone age tribe across the lands to escape to the mountains. It might seem like a race at first, but actually victory points will decide the winner at the end. This upcoming #SPIEL23 title had some very positive buzz here on Instagram, which raised our expectations high, and by the second half of our first game I was convinced: this game is awesome! 🥳
Each player controls one of the asymmetric tribes that each have slightly different costs and bonuses on their player boards. Not only do they have different decks, but also unique leader cards which have super strong and varied effects! 💪
As you play you’ll choose a card to play each turn (out of 4 drawn cards). An important thing to note is that used cards are gone forever, so you’ll never reshuffle your deck! 😮
Each card has a top and a bottom effect and normally you can only choose to resolve one of these. Top effects will allow you to move your meeple across appropriate terrain types, and this movement scales with your skills. Bottom effects will allow you to make a simple one-hex jump, plus raise one or two of your skill markers.
This might not seem like that interesting yet, however now comes a tight resource management aspect to the mix: ☝️ when you move your skill markers or move your meeple across icons, you can gather 4 types of resources. You need these to build your 4 engravings or your cave painting. Where you place these matters too, because they activate adjacent bonus icons upon placement! With these things added you are no longer just randomly running forward, but trying to plot a clever route to effectively gather stuff.🙂
Then there are also two types of cards you can collect:
🔥Fire cards are one-time effects that you play together with your normal card, and these are a great help to you.
👣Footprint cards are objectives you have to complete to earn points. If you don’t manage to complete them, they are worth minus points, so be careful collecting too many.
Where other players’ meeples are standing (blocking icons) influences your decisions too, making this seemingly simple journey actually quite a complex and fun endeavor! 😊
A copy of the game was kindly provided by the publisher. Read our content policy.