How about too many Boxes?

How about too many Boxes?

❓ How many boxes of one game are too many for you? Where do you draw the line?

We have recently received a bunch of our bigger Kickstarters. And I mean BIG. 😵

First Oathsworn, and now Black Rose Wars: Rebirth, Euthia: Torment of Resurrection and Unsettled have all arrived. These are incredibly huge multi-box pledges (I guess the picture speaks for itself), some of them almost as tall as me when stacked up. This always fills me with joy and dread at the same time, so it’s a bit of a mixed bag. 😶

On one hand I’m certainly happy to have all this boardgaming fun coming my way. 🥰 If you like the game, with so much content you could theoretically play them hundreds of times and still have content to experience.. 

Of course on the other hand… where do you put all those huge boxes, that torrent of components that you cannot combine into one box? And if you just play a few times, then you might not even need all those stretch goals and expansions… But buying just a core box of these Kickstarters just doesn’t feel good. It’s not even that I have a collectionist personality, it’s just so hard to get some of these after a campaign, and it’s nice knowing you have them if you need them. (I know, this is the definition of FOMO 😅🙈).

I guess it’s not necessarily the game creators that are at fault. If people keep buying more and more, that means more will be offered next time. Thanks to my FOMO I’m part of the problem, although I have noticeably backed much much less things lately.

Anyway I was just curious what others think about this topic. If I had to choose I’d want the typical 30cm by 30cm euro box size for every game, but there is of course beauty to a big box with a bunch of minis or a tiny game in a wallet too.