How about the pile of shame?

How about the pile of shame?

We have started packing a few of our things in anticipation to move 🚚 (even though it’s still a few weeks away) - and what else to pack first than games we are pretty sure we won’t play until then. (And also to be able to gauge how many boxes 📦 we will need for moving, because we have only started boardgaming after our last move. The answer seems to be: a lot !! of boxes. 😅)

Packing away unplayed games made us muse about the Pile of Shame (or Shelf of
Opportunity) yet again. I remember a few years ago I didn’t understand how people had still-in-shrink games on their shelves, and now here we are, unboxing a few games now in hopes they will weigh less after punching out pieces. 😄

We also made a poll in our stories to see how long some games spend on people’s shelves, and surprisingly it seems we are not alone in having games sit around for a long time. Just now a few days ago we decided to try 🌙Deja Vu: Fragments of Memory🌙, which is a game we bought from Ebay 2 years ago just because of a random guy hyping it up somewhere. 😅 It turns out the game is amazing and a real hidden gem. Which makes us wonder: are our other PoS games also amazing?

It’s a bittersweet feeling as the unplayed games keep piling up - we bought all of these because they were interesting and we wanted to try them, (Well, sometimes because they were heavily discounted, or were in surprise boxes 😂) so selling them often feels bad: we still want to play them, they’re just not at the top of the priority list. And now with SPIEL closing in with a few dozen titles we NEED to own, they might go even lower on that list. 🙈

How about you?

❓ How many unplayed games do you own?
❓ How “old” is your oldest unplayed game?
❓ Do you sell games that you didn’t even open after realizing you have too many games?