How about the gaming room?

As we moved into our new house, some of the first pieces of furniture we assembled were our board game shelves and our Kapplex table. You have to get your priorities straight! 😅
We have 2 small rooms in our… let’s call it “attic”. We quickly nominated one of them to be the gaming room. What is actually great about the room, is that it is directly under the roof, and thus the ceiling height is bigger than downstairs. And nice heights equal even more room for thematic decoration and games 😁
As you can guess, the room turned out to be way too small for our collection. So what now? Remember, I said there are 2 of these small rooms there (the second one being even smaller) so how about removing the interior wall between them? 😁
And that’s where we are with the planning… I included some images generated by DALL-E as inspiration for decorations in different styles, but now I’d be really interested in your thoughts and ideas about the perfect gaming room!
❓How does you dream gaming room look like?
❓If you’d go for a thematic decoration, what theme would you choose?
❓What other items would you put in there? A couch? A tv? (I was joking around about a jacuzzi and a bar in one of the corners, but that’s not realistic 😂)
We definitely need:
📚 Lots of shelves for lots of games
📚 Our lovely Kapplex Altar in the middle
📚 Bright but indirect lightning that adds no glare to components
📚 Painted or wallpapered walls that make the space cozy
📚 Cool decorations all round
📚 Storage for board game accessories - trays, token holders and such
📚 Gaming mat storage maybe?
What else are we missing? We are curious about your thoughts and ideas! 😊