How about conventions?

How about conventions?

❓ Which is your favorite board game convention? Seeing pictures of people currently having fun at ‘Spiel Doch! Dortmund’ made us excited for the upcoming conventions we are visiting this year. They are always such an exciting time, with so many new games and not knowing what you’ll play and do during each day (even though days start with some solid plans, they tend to quickly fall apart 😄). As soon as Spiel'23 has ended, I basically started gathering the upcoming games of 2024. Can never be too early! 😅 And the list is getting big already, there will be quite possibly more games than last year. 😵

Here is our itinerary 📝:

🔶We’ll soon be going to the UKGE to kick off the convention season! 🎉
🔶Then we plan to visit the Berlin Brettspiel Con 🧸
🔶Quickly followed up by a flight to Gen Con ✈️
🔶Finally Spiel awaits us in Essen 🥳
🔶Well and probably we’ll go to Spielwiesn in Augsburg too, as it’s pretty close by.👍

We decided to go all-in by spending all our vacation this year on board game events as you can see. 🙈 But I mean it’s fun, and why not go and have fun multiple times? Besides there are so many new games coming, it’s good that we’ll get the chance to start working through them all early - otherwise we would have to play and buy everything at #SPIEL. 😅

Now just a few more weeks until UKGE! 🗓️