Gen Con aftermath

The “con crud” has struck us down hard after Gen Con. We are still mostly only able to lie around and chill. Or maybe we are fighting against the side-effects of the meds we got, I am honestly not sure. As we aren’t really fit to play games I decided to write up some thoughts about games we played at the con - we played a lot, and a lot were good!🥰
💣 Bomb Busters is a co-op deduction game of bomb defusing. Depending on the scenario (66 scenarios to play through!) you set up the game, randomly dealing out wires to players that they arrange in ascending order. Then players point to a wire on their turn and guess its value - either losing the game after a few fails; or correctly deducing it, so the tile is revealed and the guesser can also reveal a wire of the same value, adding important information to others.
We enjoyed the game, even though 2p doesn’t seem ideal.

We only played a prototype version of 🚪Lairs but it convinced us of its greatness. It’s a 2p game in which both players first create a dungeon behind their screens, then when finished, both start delving through them. To delve you use a cube-action-point system, and it’s really fun as you stumble through the unknown, marking things you find on your sheet. The finished game will have a bunch of boxes with additional content that you unlock as you play! 🤩

🕊️Oh My Pigeons is a crazy and really simple party game. You just have to fill up your little board with pigeons. To do that you play a card from your hand each turn, either taking birds from the supply, stealing some, or getting to roll the die - which could even let you flick the die to sabotage other players. I guess the game is exactly what you’d expect from it. 😂

We also played a few rounds of 💀 Emerald Skulls, an upcoming betting and gambling push-your-luck game. You basically roll dice and place them on a skull board, but as you can only place a single value at a time you keep having to reroll, and you can never place lower than you did before. So it gets harder as you go, making it easier to bust. But the fun twist is how while you are rolling the others can bet on different outcomes of your efforts!