Ever wanted to be an art expert?

Ever wanted to be an art expert?

In Gallerist you play as the director of an art gallery.πŸŽ¨πŸ–Ό You will be buying and selling pieces of art, discovering new artists and promoting them using your influence, cleverly utilizing your assistants and maneuvering on the international market with one single goal – to have the most money at the end of the game. πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°

Gallerist is a worker placement game. There are only 4 workers placement spots but each has 2 actions associated with it. Also you don’t block each other but if you kick your opponent out he gets to take a kick-out action, so you are helping them.

You will be mostly trying to buy art for cheap when the artists are not yet known, then wait until they are more famous and sell those art pieces for more money. 🧐 You have some goal cards to work towards and you also get some reputation tiles that will steer you in certain directions.

There are several clever systems in the game. There are visitors in the plaza of the main board – you can use tickets you get during the game to attract them to your gallery. Certain actions will need you to either have visitors in your lobby or in your gallery.

Another important system is the influence track. Influence is a multi-use resource – certain actions require you to simply spend some, but there are also fame and money icons along the track. When you are paying for stuff you could lower your reputation tracker to get some much needed money – or do the same with fame icons to help promote artists. ⭐️

Your assistants also take an important role. When you move to a new worker placement spot you can leave an assistant behind so you can force out even more kick-out actions. But they also need to be placed on contract cards and out on the international market to claim important bonuses – so you will need to hire new assistants all the time costing you your hard earned money. πŸ€”

So there is always a lot of thinking involved with each of these systems interconnecting. This is a refreshingly unique theme for a euro game – and the production quality that Eagle Gryphon games provides is astonishing every time we open one of their games. 😍 πŸ™ƒ