Gushing more about Galactic Cruise

We are talking a lot about 🚀Galactic Cruise, but we can’t help it - this game has a lot to offer, so there is a lot to say. 😁 This time I wanted to go into the 2p aspect of the game. This is our most common player count, so it’s always essential for us that games function well this way. Many despise the thought of having special rules for 2p, but I actually love when there are some good working tweaks for this player count in games that need them (instead of just writing 2-4p on the box and providing suboptimal experience with the same rules). Galactic Cruise does a great job in this regard!
☝️Player interaction is quite prevalent in the game. Other than drafting things away from others, you are also bumping each other off, triggering income bonuses and you can also use the development tokens of others to activate actions or use technologies - which is why the two neutral workers in 2p games come in clutch! 🙃 Don’t worry, you don’t have to manage a dummy player or something like that. These are just workers that are bumped clockwise if you go to their location, possibly knocking your real opponent off of a spot. As the game goes on, neutral development tokens are also randomly placed down. These help fill up the board, so you and your rival don’t just avoid each other all game long. It’s really simple but works effectively! It perhaps even adds an additional layer of strategy to the game instead of simulating a 3-4p game, as e.g. you could position yourself so your opponent has no choice but to bump the neutral worker which then bumps you. 😉
The Kickstarter for the game is still up for 2 more weeks, and it’s going really well. I’d say understandably so! 😉 It’s nice that the game is basically ready to be made, and it's not just a gamble of what the end result will be. We really enjoy Galactic Cruise, and how it provides you with short and long-term goals, crunchy decisions and satisfying combos - an outstanding gem of a mid-heavy euro!
If you haven’t yet, I’d suggest checking out the campaign! 😊

A copy of the game was kindly provided by the publisher. Read our content policy.