Diving into adventure

Diving into adventure

We first saw Finding Atlantis at a local convention and found it intriguing, as it is a logical deduction game.🤩 We didn’t buy it, saying we need to research it more. Now a few months later still knowing nothing about it, I decided to buy it on a whim as a small Valentine’s day surprise, and I have to say we hit the jackpot! This is a really cool addition to our lineup of deduction games. 🥰

Players are piloting their submarines around on a grid map in search of Atlantis - you have a deck of cards to aid your endeavor. On your turn you get to use 2 of your cards by scanning them with the game’s app, which is a must, as usual with infinitely replayable logical deduction games.

Cards you use are discarded, and you can only get them back by surfacing up - this is where the competitive nature of the game comes in! As you play you try to deduce where your opponents are, so clues they are given are useful to you too. There are some hidden movement cards that make this hard to do, but surfacing with a submarine will show your location to everyone. As you will run out of cards, you will have to do this every now and again.

Atlantis is made up of 4 or 6 neighboring/diagonal spaces (depending on whether you are playing a 6x6 or 8x8 map). So if you find one Atlantis space, you know that all the others are nearby, and then the race is on. If you can correctly guess all locations you win the game!
There are some more important logical correlations that help you pinpoint certain things.

Your cards either let you move on the grid map, or give you information about your surroundings in different ways. You also have a Captain card with a unique ability that only you can use! Oh and some spaces contain Artifact cards that you can unearth to either help you or hinder your opponents! Then there is an additional pirate mode where you can leave underwater mines for unsuspecting submarines to find. 😈

💬 The puzzle is not easy to solve and it is especially hard trying to track what the others are doing, it is essential though! We are really impressed with Finding Atlantis, especially as it is completely under the radar too!