Discover a cozy little harbour town with us

Discover a cozy little harbour town with us

🏘️ Tenby is a harbour town and resort in southwest Wales.
It is also the name of an upcoming card game that will premiere soon on Kickstarter! 😊 In Tenby you draft cards to build your own version of the town, by cleverly linking up terraces, piers and landmarks, trying to score the most points!

The cards all show a bunch of features - πŸ‘‰like benches, chimneys, flower pots, pigeons, clouds; and many more. These features are the centerpoint of the game. As you play you will pick cards from the display that you can either add to the end of your existing streets, or start a new street with. You also have to make sure edges fit together: terraces can transition into piers or vice versa, and piers can turn into seas, closing that end of the street completely. Good placement is quintessential, as every card shows a scoring condition!

I think this already sound very neat and sells the game well, especially if you enjoy the charming simplistic line art. There are some more interesting details though! πŸ˜‰

The way you draft street cards is by choosing a Day β˜€οΈ card each round. These show the actions that you can do. (Actions are basically just taking a specific type of card from the display, or randomly from the top of the deck.) 🧐 Day cards are organized in an ascending order according to their numbers - picking a lower card will be generally weaker, but let you pick before others. ☝️ Whoever goes first also gets to pick a Day card sooner in the next round! Some cards give you Life Rings πŸ›Ÿ too which can be used for bonus actions.

You play over 10 days like this, usually getting 2-3 cards in a round, so your town will get big, and it can get tricky juggling all those spatial scoring conditions. πŸ™€ Some cards have a scoring range of 2 and special landmark cards score for a whole street. To add to this you can get Resident cards that are kept in your hand - they score for either one or every street according to their specific criteria.

Tenby is thus an accessible card drafting game with a lot of charm, and thanks to all the details you have to look out for I think it’s engaging for seasoned players too. πŸ™‚ A lovely little title!

A copy of the game was kindly provided by the publisher. Read our content policy.