Day 2 recap

Day 2 recap

Day 2 went by real fast 😬 Why aren't the days longer? Also the gods of empty tables haven't really smiled down upon us. πŸ˜… We still got some games in, and here are some highlights:

β›΅ Aeolos

This is a really quick streamlined game, perfect for newcomers in the hobby. On your turn you place a card from your hand on the topmost stack of the same color - either gray or purple. The sum of the two visible values gives you where you can move one of your ships. Every spot gives you something different like building settlements or new ships, drawing action cards or gathering gems. You can send in ships through a river for big points, though that permanently costs you that ship.

πŸ—„οΈ My Shelfie

A cleverly simple tile placing abstract. The unique idea of the game is the plastic "shelf" you can throw your tiles into. On your turn you take 1-3 tiles from the board (which are not covered by other tiles), then you throw all of them into the same column of the grid. There are personal goal cards and public objectives to look out for, plus you try to do big groups of the same colors.

πŸš‚ Pioneer Rails

This flip and write one has many unique mechanics. First of all you flip poker cards and choose one to use. The value will be used for a poker hand scoring every 5 rounds; the suit decides which train station you can build from (always drawing 3 railways on the sides of hexagons). If you surround buildings on enough sides you get their benefit. There are a bunch of interesting ideas and combos here. Coming to Kickstarter soon.

πŸ—‘οΈ TerrorScape

This game immediately caught our attention with an amazing table presence - a screen with an integrated dice tower that looks like a house to cover the two asymmetric sides: killer and survivors. The survivors have to search for keys πŸ—οΈ to flee or repair a radio πŸ“Ÿ to get help; meanwhile the killer hunts ☠️ them. The unique twist is that the survivors can see the killer but he cannot see them. Some actions do make noise though or the killer can use some skills to try to locate them. Quite a fun concept, coming to Kickstarter in 2023.