Birds everywhere

Birds everywhere

🐦 Wingspan 🦩 is a board game that probably needs no introduction. Also, we have a confession to make: we have kind of slept on the Wingspan craze. 😅 We have tried it in a board game cafe when it was new, but it didn’t really grab our attention. That might have had to do with the fact that the cafe was somewhat uncomfortable and noisy, so our mood wasn’t ideal and I guess it influenced our first impression.

Anyways as we were ordering some stuff from Stonemaier Games we decided to add Wingspan to the shopping cart - along with its expansion Ocenia, because I heard good things about it.😊

I like how simple the rules are - on your turn you just take 1 of 4 possible actions; it’s all pretty straightforward. 👍The complexity comes from the interaction of the cards and the engine-building you do throughout the game. The 4 round-end objectives and your bonus cards also cleverly steer you in certain directions so you are not completely lost on what to do. 😊 It’s pretty satisfying as you always try to plan a few turns in advance.

The component quality is also nice: big chunky wooden dice 🎲 accompanied by a bird-feeder-shaped dice tower to roll them in. 🤩 Colorful plastic egg tokens. It’s all a joy to fiddle around with, and I see there is a crazy amount of possible upgrades you can do. There is also a huge amount of cards so you might never see the same bird twice - especially if you add in expansion cards too.

I am glad we gave Wingspan another go - we liked it a lot this time around.😊