Beyond the Moon

Beyond the Moon

In Adventure 2 of Welcome to the Moon the rockets took off and we are on our journey from Earth to the Moon. 🌏 πŸš€ πŸŒ•

It was exciting and quite challenging. At the beginning you have one long continuous line where you can fill in your numbers – however it is way too long to fill it completely. After writing in a ’15’ (the largest number) no numbers would be eligible after it. To solve this problem, as one of the mechanics you can draw in lines that separate sections from each other, allowing you to start a new sequence of numbers.

You are also trying to circle water tanks, plants and robots as different sources of points. Of course you will often need specific numbers in specific places, which means you might have to make some compromises as the game goes on. Alongside these things you are also watching out for the mission cards as always. 🧐

We really liked Adventure 2. It is an interesting spin on things and gives a lot to think about.
Now on to Adventure 3! πŸ’ͺ