An amazing 3D adventure
We’ve got a special game for you today - 🧊Nunatak: The Temple of Ice!
This is a gateway-type game of competitive 3D construction. Maybe you could call it ice-laying? 😅 As the game goes on, you are collectively building a pyramid with your colored ice-pieces, trying to cleverly pick cards and place blocks to get the most points. Let’s get right into the game’s inner workings! 🙂
⚙️Turns are very quick: you just pick a card and place an ice block. There are some additional steps that don’t always happen, like scoring for a finished row or column, or a finished quad of 4 adjacent blocks (placing a new tile on top, opening up a higher level to place ice blocks on). This actually makes the whole game quite fast and engaging. 😊
Cards are important for 2 reasons: 🧐 First, the card’s type determines on which tiles you can place your piece on, secondly, you get to keep the card for your tableau. Your tableau will be scored at the game’s end, and each card type has a different scoring criteria to keep in mind!
So your job is to pick the most ideal cards from round to round, trying to finish rows, columns or quads for the bonuses, or build on top of your supporting ice blocks for points. Whoever has the most blocks on the outer edge of the pyramid also gets bonus points at the end. Cards can have set-collection aspects or majority scoring, and you could also get special blessing cards with diverse effects. Lots of cool ideas! 😁
A thing I’d like to focus on is the 2p mode. You will need to use a 3rd player color to be able to finish the whole pyramid. This is a neutral color that both of you will get pieces from. As you play you always get a set of 3 pieces, 2 of your own and 1 neutral. When placing you either use yours as normal, or discard the chosen card and ignore points when using the neutral. This makes the game a bit more of a hassle to play, but also introduces another layer of strategy, as the neutral color skews majority scoring. Ultimately it works quite well.
To summarize, Nunatak is very enjoyable! Like I said it’s fast as gateways should be, and it’s quite clever and unique with how it works and looks. 🥰
A copy of the game was kindly provided by the publisher. Read our content policy.