About the Castle Event...

About the Castle Event...

Over the weekend we have played a lot of games, both existing and upcoming. We had a great time, so I wanted to write a bit about some of them. So in no particular order, here we go! 😉

👕 Shinjuku

A route-building game in which players are building stores to attract customers that are added to the map each turn. The game is controlled by playing cards from your hand that match the regions where you want to act. The game has a great flow.

🧚 Yro

A small tableau builder. You are making a 3x3 card tableau by adding 1-2 cards to it each round, gaining income, strength and all kinds of bonuses. It plays really fast, but making a synergistic tableau is satisfying, and it has a JRPG-esque theme.


A trick-taking game with a twist: you only see the color of your cards, but not their value, because they are turned outwards to you opponents, as are theirs to you. You also have to guess how many tricks you'll win.

🐸 Snatch It

This is a new family-children’s game. For us it lacked player agency, but it will provide fun to many others who enjoy similar games. You are playing cards with a higher value to claim cards from the pond, or steal piles of cards from your opponents.

🐶 Super Kawaii Pets

A very simple card drafting game. It's about collecting cats, dogs and bunnies, and meeting their needs to make them happy. Fun to play, and the artwork fits the theme perfectly.

🌨️ Eternaut

Eternaut is based on a comic series with a fascinating story: a mysterious deadly snowfall arrives and whoever is touched by a snowflake dies. You play with a few characters, trying to survive as you play through scenarios with choose-your-own-adventure type story snippets.

🦋 Pergola

An upcoming game from Rebel Studio who also brought us Meadow. Pergola has a similar chill nature theme, as you are building your little garden by drafting a pair of actions each turn, gathering flowers and insects to have the highest scoring ecosystem.