About Domemo & Ada's Library

📚 Ada’s Library is a game of pattern matching. Your goal is to tidy up the books in the library, moving them in a sequence that matches the ‘master bookshelf’.
To play, you randomly arrange 6 different colored books 📕 in the center, then players each draw 10 random books from a bag for their own area. The random setup means you might not even have all the colors you need at first, but you’ll able to acquire them later. 👉 Each turn you use action cards to move or swap books around in your row, but you could also influence the middle display or your opponent’s area. This basically explains the game: 🧐 your goal is to match the middle faster than your opponent can!
🪨 Domemo is a game of deduction, memory and guessing. 🧠 Each player has a row of tiles showing numbers, but these are facing the opponents, so you don’t actually see your own tiles! 😮 There are also some additional tiles out for information, but some are hidden so can’t completely deduce what you have. Each turn you can guess a number and your opponents have to confirm whether you have that. Whoever guesses their complete row first is the winner.
The reason we decided to bundle these 2 games into one post is because they're both similarly simple. So much so that I don’t think they can provide enough for seasoned adult gamers. 😶 If you're playing with children however, they could be a fun time, guessing numbers and matching patterns. 😉 The production quality is exquisite for both: cool art, nice wooden books and a magnetic box in Ada’s Library, and big chunky wooden tiles in Domemo. 🤩
These games will be available at Playte Games at Spiel, among many other of their titles. 🙃

A copy of the game was kindly provided by the publisher. Read our content policy.