A one-of-a-kind euro experience

A one-of-a-kind euro experience

If you have read our last post about @anagecontrived , you have got a brief idea about the game. Now we wanted to give you our gameplay impressions.We basically only played An Age Contrived over and over this weekend so we can safely say that this is an outstanding game! 🥰 Really unique, and unlike anything we own!

|| 👥1-5 || ⏳️60-120 min || 🙋14+ ||

👉The game has a nice arc. You start out with a basic setup but will become more efficient and versatile as you unlock abilities and tokens, buy upgraded tiles and actions over the game. The two turn types Advance or Actions make for an interesting rhythm. Will you do a smaller action phase, or will you set yourself up even more to reap the benefits with a monster turn? 🧐 You have to cleverly watch for opportunities - you want to take part in the building of monuments, and you don’t want others to gobble up every achievement and civilization spot. It’s all about player interaction and timing. You also have to balance when you lock in energy tokens. ☝️ You want as many locked in as possible to get the most points at the end, but do it too soon and you won’t have enough energy to run your engine properly. You keep having to gain new energy tokens that were set aside at setup.

👉This is a game that you have to play a few times to get the hang of. After watching a video and reading the rulebook, we had almost no idea what to do. 🤯 But we quickly started to grasp the concepts, and games can go by fast.

🗯️To us it is crucial for games to work properly with 2 players. There is a lot of player interaction in An Age Contrived, but in spite of that it works splendidly at 2p, though probably the game will be even more interesting at 3+. A 2p game is a bit more zero-sum, but on the other hand you can pay much more attention to what your opponent is doing, allowing more informed decisions. Everything scales nicely with player count, so the game remains tight, and smaller tweaks are still being made to make this perfect.

💬We really loved our plays of An Age Contrived. 🥰 A lot of cool interaction, unique mechanics and a satisfying combo-y gameplay experience. I can’t wait to hold the final copy in my hands!

A prototype of this game was kindly shared by the publisher for us to try out. Just a heads-up: all the components are prototypes, so things might look or play a bit differently in the final version. For more details, check out our content policy.