A brilliant classic with a new coat of paint

🎎 Zhanguo: The First Empire is a very complex game, you really need to be in mood for the crunch factor to play. 🏋️ Interestingly, I think I could easily explain the rules in 20 minutes, so it all has to do with the decision density - there are so many layers and so many details to keep in mind when taking an action, it can be difficult to see through the thicket. But in turn, if you plan well, and do well, it feels absolutely rewarding. 🥰
👉 To better illustrate what I mean about ‘decision density’, let’s say it is your turn, and you have to play a card. Do you tuck it into your player board to upgrade future actions, or play it for a court action? 🤔
If you choose to tuck it, then which of the 5 regions do you improve? Which card color? What action type and bonus? You have to watch for the unrest too in those regions, and it could be important for palace building bonuses as well. You also collect unification tokens in 1 of 3 colors that are essential for the round end majority bonuses. 🙉
If you play it as an action, you choose one of 6 actions, and to activate bonus actions from your board the number on the card has to be a suitable value. Where you place officials or workers is a complex choice, and again unrest can be problematic. You are planning for multiple long term goals like the end game scoring walls, and the mausoleum slots for terracotta soldiers. Governor and palace bonuses are limited on the board too, so you can’t be dilly-dallying around. Oh and of course while you are juggling all these thoughts and plans, you have to watch what your opponents are doing and react accordingly! 😱
💬 This enormous amount of complexity makes Zhanguo a brilliant euro game, but it also means that it won’t be for everyone. It needs a kind of mental preparedness for sure, but if you get into it, it is so much fun, especially as your engine starts going. 😁
Other than being heavy, the game has such a unique way of interacting with it through cards and your player boards, that it really sets itself apart. It is so much more than just another seasonal euro, a truly outstanding and excellent game. 🥇

A copy of the game was kindly provided by the publisher. Read our content policy.