2024's Non-Euro Highlights

2024's Non-Euro Highlights

2024 was a great year for board gamers in our opinion! 😊 We played so many amazing games that making a single top 10 list felt impossible. So after highlighting our favorite euros in our previous posts, let’s take a look at a few other games that left a really good impression on us. I think it's best to just do a random award show without any rhyme or reason.

So without further ado, 🥁 let's start! 😅

🎖️ The smallest (and our most played)

🛡️ Odin is a ladder climbing card game with an awesome little twist. I also love the simple art and thin-strip card design. We played this one a lot, at all possible player counts and had immense fun!

Read more about Odin here:

Odin - Board Game Diaries

🎖️The simplest game with a huge fun factor

🦀Seaside is just a bag of two-sided wooden tokens with very simple rules, but it is a surprisingly engaging game perfect for travelling or outdoor gaming. We discovered it during our vacation in Canada and have been playing quite a few times since.

🎖️The best party game 

While we don't normally play or go for party games, we did have tons of fun playing 〰Ito️. It has a low cringe but high fun factor. An especially great ice-breaker when playing with new people.

Read more about Ito here:

ito - Board Game Diaries

🎖️The biggest surprise 

🌳Forest Shuffle was very hyped and basically permanently sold out since its release in 2023, but we tend to be wary of such crowd favorite games. Playing Forest Shuffle for the first time immediately convinced us of its greatness, and we now own it with every expansion. 😁

🎖️The most cutthroat (and epic!)

👾 Arcs is an area control game with a trick-taking action selection, in which tides can turn in a single turn, so scoring is always exciting. Great as you'd expect from the new “sci-fi Root”. Cutthroat, but very much fun. 😉 Can’t wait to explore the campaign expansion too!

Read more about Arcs here:

Arcs - Board Game Diaries